Debunking Myths About Outsourcing Admin Services

Hand crossing out 'Myths' and replacing it with 'Facts'

Outsourcing administration services is an innovative solution to streamline business operations and enhance work efficiency in different sectors. It involves delegating tasks to specialized providers so business owners can focus on their core competencies.

Outsourced admin services also significantly reduce operational costs, so it is perfect for all types of companies, from large-scale to small businesses. Unfortunately, many companies are still on the fence about exploring this option because of the many myths about outsourcing.

In this article, we’ll debunk the top five common myths about outsourcing. We’ll also share how outsourced admin services can benefit your company so you can make informed business decisions today.


Myth #1: Outsourcing Admin Services is Only for Large Companies

Outsourced admin services are only for large and established companies. This is one of the common myths about outsourcing that stems from the idea that outsourcing has upfront costs that small-scale businesses cannot afford. Moreover, small-scale industries and startups do not need an extra workforce.

However, outsourcing benefits businesses of all sizes. In fact, one of the benefits of outsourcing for small businesses is saving costs. It allows them to access an expert workforce at a smaller cost since they do not need to pay for overhead costs.

Moreover, outsourcing administrative services allows startups and small-scale businesses to easily expand or downscale their workforce. They can outsource on a part-time or per-project basis. Hence, they only pay for the specific services that they need.


Myth #2: Outsourcing Leads to a Loss of Control Over Business Processes

One of the myths about outsourcing is losing control over business processes. This is a common fear, especially when offshore outsourcing since the owner cannot physically oversee the processes.

However, this is only true if you do not communicate your expectations clearly to your outsourced team. As the business owner, you still need to set up your guidelines and standards so the outsourced staff can maintain the quality you expect. Also, you can still maintain a high level of control over their work by working closely with the outsourcing firm and scheduling regular check-ins.

Moreover, it helps to hire reputable outsourcing providers to ensure the quality of outsourced admin services that align with your organization’s goals and culture.


Myth #3: Outsourcing Always Compromises Quality

This myth stems from the idea that business owners do not know all the staff that will do their outsourced admin services, making them worry about the results. Hence, the quality becomes compromised when outsourcing administrative services. This misconception is related to the fear of losing control over the business if the business owners cannot frequently and physically monitor the quality of products and services.

The truth is far from the myth, as BPO companies are known for providing intensive training and onboarding practices to new hires. Moreover, some outsourcing providers specialize in specific administrative functions and have the expertise and resources to offer them.

Moreover, low-quality results are only common if you don’t evaluate your outsourcing partner properly. Before signing a contract, you must check their services to ensure that their culture and internal services align with your business needs.

Finally, outsourcing gives you access to a wide global pool of talented teams and highly skilled individuals. Hence, you’ve ensured quality results that meet your expectations and business needs.


Myth #4: Outsourcing Admin Services is Too Expensive

Another myth about outsourcing administrative services that deters many companies from hiring outsourced providers is cost. Many small businesses and startups believe outsourced admin services are too expensive and unaffordable for their business operations.

However, this is the opposite of the truth. Outsourcing cost comparison between US and non-western countries is significantly different. English-speaking countries, like the Philippines that provide excellent outsourced admin services are considerably less expensive than their US counterparts.

The minimum daily wage in the US is about 9-16 USD, depending on the state. This does not include mandated benefits like leaves and insurance. This does not include hiring and training costs and other related expenses when keeping staff in-house, like office space and equipment. Meanwhile, the Philippines, a robust outsourcing industry, has a much lower minimum wage and offers the same quality results at a fraction of the cost.

Hence, outsourcing administrative services to other English-speaking countries is a cost-effective way to reduce operational costs in your organization.

Pensive businessman sitting at a desk with a tablet.

Myth #5: Outsourcing is Only About Cost-Cutting

Outsourcing administrative services helps different types of businesses to reduce costs without sacrificing output quality. It also allows organizations to save money in the long run, as outsourcing companies have fixed costs agreed upon in advance. In contrast, in-house staff require regular salary increases and training.

Hence, it is true that outsourcing is about cost-cutting. However, it is not only about reducing costs, as there are more benefits to outsourcing administrative services beyond the financial aspect. These are:

  • Access to a wide talent pool: You can hire experts worldwide. This diverse workforce can also bring innovative solutions to your organization.
  • Scalability: Outsourcing offers flexibility to scale your business, depending on your organization’s needs. You can easily hire on a part-time or per-project basis and only pay for the specific services that you require.
  • Ability to focus on core competencies: Outsourcing administrative services frees time to focus on your organization’s core competencies. Thus, you can spend more time developing new products and services to stay ahead of your competition.

A diverse talent pool gives you access to fresh perspectives that can bring innovation and growth to your organization. It also gives you valuable insights into the best practices and industry trends worldwide, which can also expand your organization’s market reach.


Don’t Let Myths Hold You Back – Reach Out to CreaThink Solutions for Expert Outsourcing

The fear of making changes is valid, especially when it concerns the success of your business. However, the abovementioned myths only hold you back from reaching a higher potential in scaling your business. Moreover, outsourcing administrative services also gives your organization more financial freedom to innovate and develop its products and services.

If you’re ready to get out of your comfort zone and find outsourced admin services, let CreaThink Solutions help you. We are a trusted provider of high-quality outsourcing services in the Philippines, boasting an expert team to help with your company’s administrative needs.

CreaThink Solutions offers tailored administrative services, including appointment scheduling, customer service, and marketing support, to help you focus on more critical business tasks.

Let us assist you today. Email for a free consultation or visit our website to learn more about how we can help you. You can also follow us on YouTube,  Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is outsourcing, and why should businesses consider it for administrative services?

Outsourcing means letting third-party service providers handle certain tasks outside the company instead of an in-house staff. Businesses should consider outsourced admin services to have access to specialized skills at a lower cost compared to the expenses of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding on-site employees.

It also significantly reduces operational costs as businesses don’t need to spend more on office space, equipment, and training.

2. Is outsourcing administrative services only beneficial for large companies?

Outsourcing administrative services benefits all companies, including small-scale businesses and startups. It gives businesses access to an expert workforce at a smaller cost since they do not need to pay for overhead costs.

It also allows small businesses and startups to easily scale their operations as they can hire on an as-needed basis instead of keeping a full-time employee even on off-peak seasons.

3. Will I lose control over my business processes if I outsource administrative services?

No. You will not lose control over your business processes using outsourced admin services.

You still have more control as the client since you communicate your guidelines and standards to the outsourced team. Moreover, you can monitor their progress and schedule regular meetings to check their work quality.

4. How can CreaThink Solutions help my business with outsourcing?

CreaThink Solutions is your trusted partner in outsourced admin services in the Philippines. We offer comprehensive, tailored administrative services, and provide high-quality results to help you focus on your business growth.

5. How do I get started with outsourcing my administrative services?

To start outsourcing administrative services, reach out to CreaThink Solutions for a free consultation. Our success-driven team will work with you to understand your needs and goals to develop an innovative outsourcing solution that aligns with your business concerns.

You can email us today at or visit our website to learn more about our administrative services.
